GC "Russian Highways"Our agency took part in the bidding process for the development of a corporate identity and logo design for Avtodor State Company. This is one of the few projects that we completed on a tender basis. Upon being awarded the contract, we were to develop the company’s logo and corporate identity from scratch.
It was clear to us that the attitude towards the road construction among the majority of Russians is negative. It was important to focus on positive context in the corporate identity and general brand communication. Avtodor is responsible for construction of all federal highways in Russia. As a rule, these roads do not cause any complaint, as they are of really high quality. But most of these roads are toll roads, which causes discontent among Russians. This was another barrier, which we had to work with and which we had to offset.
On the one hand, we had to emphasize the seriousness and thoroughness of the brand, as first and foremost it is a state-owned company. The corporate identity of the brand should also reflect a serious financial support and guarantees that the company enjoys. This is necessary in order to attract foreign investors and partners and communicate with them. Avtodor is a solid international brand, which at the same time should trigger positive emotions in the people of our country.
We developed a strict typeface, which is associated with fundamentality and thoroughness. When designing the logo, we sought to evoke associations with movement, because it is what roads are built for.
New roads are always bound up with economic development. Another meaning that we wanted to convey in the “mobile” logo is that Avtodor does not stand still, but evolves constantly to make road traffic as simple and safe as possible.
The desired perception was achieved through a slightly slanted typeface. The sign that we developed should also bring out the idea of onward movement, rapid development and a sense of speed.
Orange was chosen as the main colour. On the one hand, it is a warm colour, evoking positive emotions. On the other hand, orange is associated with road safety, since there are shades of yellow or orange on most road signs. The gray typeface is associated with the road, the colour of asphalt.